David Hansell, JD
Senior Advisor, Case Family Programs
Former Commissioner
Administration for Children’s Services, New York City

David Hansell是Casey Family Programs的兒童福利政策資深顧問,該計畫致力於長期改善影響兒童、家庭及其居住社區的福祉。

David前署長在進入Casey計畫前,曾在聯邦政府、州和地方政府長期工作,成績斐然。 曾任職New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)署長,負責兒童福利、青少年司法與兒童照顧服務。於聯邦政府任職期間,他擔任過兩年的美國衛生及公共服務部(HHS) 代理助理部長,主責兒童與家庭管理署。在HHS,David領導著一個年度預算約500億美元的機關,其職責包括兒童福利、經濟救助、學前教育與特殊群體照護計畫。在紐約州任職期間,David曾擔任該州急難救助和身心障礙援助辦公室政務首長,該辦公室負責為紐約州低收入者提供的協助計畫和經濟援助,同時也協助改革紐約州的兒童撫養計畫,提高了監護父母和兒童的遵囑性與支付。

David也曾在諮詢和非營利部門服務過。2012-2017年期間,他曾擔任KPMG諮詢業務部的常務董事,作為Human & Social Services Center of Excellence的全球負責人,在廣泛關鍵安全網計畫中,協助全球公務部門客戶面對公眾提供服務時的挑戰。在愛滋病毒/愛滋病危害最嚴重的時期,David曾在男同志健康危機組織(GMHC)擔任一系列職務,包含法律服務總監和政府事務與公共事務副執行董事等職位。


David Hansell is the Senior Advisor for Child Welfare Policy at Casey Family Programs, a national foundation that works to influence long-lasting improvements to the well-being of children, families, and the communities where they live.

David joined Casey after a long and distinguished career in federal, state and local government.  He served most recently as Commissioner of the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), with responsibility for child welfare, juvenile justice and child care services.  At the federal level, he served as Acting Assistant Secretary of the HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF) for two years. At HHS, David led an agency with an approximately $50 billion annual budget, with responsibilities including child welfare, economic support, early childhood education, and special population programs. At the State level, David served as Commissioner of the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, which oversees support programs and economic assistance for low-income New Yorkers. He also helped reform New York State’s child support programs to heighten compliance and increase payments to custodial parents and children.

David has also worked in the consulting and non-profit sectors.  He was a Managing Director in KPMG’s Advisory practice from 2012-2017, and served as Global Head of its Human & Social Services Center of Excellence, helping public sector clients around the world navigate the challenges of delivering services to constituents across a broad range of critical safety-net programs. At the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis, David served in a range of positions at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), including Director of Legal Services and Deputy Executive Director for Government and Public Affairs. David graduated from Haverford College and Yale Law School.  He has written and spoken widely on social services issues and is the recipient of numerous awards for his work in the non-profit and public sectors.